Storia Estate Groups is a hub for individual agents and their groups to obtain support, and self-govern. Storia upholds an ethos of unity allowing agents to forgo franchise fees and retain more commission.
In this way, each agent and their group are meticulously trained under the Storia model, provided with extensive marketing resources to promote their personal brand, and then operate with sovereignty.
Storia Estate Groups provides budding agents with the support, resources and logistical catering needed to operate as an autonomous unit.
When working with us, Storia will:
- Pay for all subscriptions and daily expenses.
- Train you meticulously in the art of personalised service.
- Offer one-on-one weekly coaching sessions to determine clear goals.
- Provide you with communication templates, and all marketing resources; signboards, letterbox drops, business cards, promotional material.
- Supply the ultimate platform to herald your brand.
In a centralised office space with streamlined processes, automated technologies, creative commission structures and a shared mega-database of buyers, we fervently believe in all agent groups working independently, with a strong sense of comradery and drive.
We offer independent agent groups the opportunity to own their BDA. Meaning, you will be the exclusive Storia agent in your suburb/s. Sell how you want, list how you want.
Our goal: To provide a respectful culture that allows us to work and grow together.
Critically, any agent fuelled by Storia will retain a high percentage of their sales, on a sliding scale - the more you sell, the more you retain. Importantly, our shared database means all agent groups will have access to an extensive network of buyers and sellers, eliminating negative culture within Storia itself, yet increasing each agents’ competitive success within the wider industry.
Ultimately, Storia is a hub for those seeking to retain more income and build their independent personal profile, with the support and resources of a branded agency. All your team has to do; is list, sell, and provide premium, personalised service to your clientele, in your expert areas.
Explore Storia’s current assortment of real estate groups, and diversity of expertise Perhaps you’ll see your name here, one day soon.